Last Angel of the Week for 2016

Last AOW 2016Meet Nenggousiam, our last Angel of the Week for 2016!

We are honored to finish the year with his amazing story.  Like all the other Angels we have featured, he has survived a life of unimaginable hardship, and yet has triumphed with the help of The James Connection and Angels' Place.

At only 10 years of age, Nenggousiam came from a home so troubled he feared for his life.  "I came to Angels' Place for survival," says the young boy as he recalls the fear and insecurity of living with a violent, alcoholic father.   His mother was often ill and unable to protect him and his other siblings from the tirades.  To make matters worse, there was often no food, and they were hungry and cold most of the time.  "My life before Angels' Place was miserable," he recalls with sorrow.

Today, Nenggousiam is on a healthier and happier path thanks to The James Connection.  Though the caregivers at the orphanage realize it will take time to heal the pain of his early childhood, they are already seeing tremendous progress.  Despite his tough history, he is a cheerful boy full of hope.  He loves to read in the library and play sports with his friends, and also enjoys learning math in school.  He wants the world to know how thankful he is for the opportunities that The James Connection and his sponsors have provided.

When asked what he likes most about Angels' Place, Nenggoussiam replies "The food and friends to play with."  No longer starving for nourishment or healthy human connections, this young boy is on the path to being another James Connection success story!

There are hundreds of children just like Nenggousiam on the waiting list to get into Angels' Place.  You can help make room for them by visiting our Ways to Help page today.

Look for more Angels of the Week coming in 2017!  To learn more about the Angel of the Week project and read more stories about our amazing kids, just click on "Angels of the Week" under Categories to the right.

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