Inside Angels’ Place: Mary Donthianmawi

There are many wonderful people working with our children at Angels' Place.  Here is a chance to meet one of them...Mary Donthianmawi, Nurse and Supervisor.

Mary's job is to take care of the children's physical and mental health as well as provide guidance in their daily lives.  Her role is extremely important because of the challenges many of them face coming from very poor families with little or no access to healthcare.  Most of them have been largely neglected by caregivers who were barely able to care for themselves.  Some had no caregivers at all.

Mary faces many challenges when working with children from such difficult circumstances.  Motivating some of the kids is not easy but with consistent loving care and a good dose of patience, she has been very successful, even with some of the toughest cases.  Mary finds tremendous reward in helping these troubled kids blossom into healthy thriving young adults.  In her own words..."I love helping the orphan children in whatever way I can.  Giving medical care, helping with their studies and teaching them right from wrong."

Mary is an invaluable asset to Angels' Place.  Not only does she provide the routine healthcare the children need, but she also provides the emotional support and structure required for them to flourish.  We are very blessed to have her as a member of our team caring for all our precious Angels.

Look for more "Inside Angels' Place" stories coming soon!  If you want to meet some of the amazing children Mary works with, click on "Angel of the Week" under categories to the right of this page.  To learn what you can do to help more kids find a home at Angels' Place, visit our Ways to Help page.




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