To the generous supporters of our children at Angels’ Place:
In an ongoing effort to keep you informed, we have reached out to Sanga to get some answers to the many questions you have about the children at Angels' Place during the epidemic.
Sanga reports that 41 children (grades 7-10) whose progress in school is most vulnerable have returned to the orphanage. Their return raised many questions. Here they are along with Sanga’s answers.
Q: Were children’s and staff’s temperatures taken upon arrival/return to Angels’ Place?
A: Temperatures of children and staff were taken. We also check the temperature of the children and staff every day with our Non-Contact IR Thermometer. Each staff and children are also provided masks. Staff returning after performing work outside the campus is also screened and hands sanitized.
Q: Who is in charge of the children?
A: Englian is in charge. He is there daily, going through screening at the gate. Siam is back at Angels' Place. His family is with him. [Note: Englian and Siam are two of the senior staff members of Angels’ Place.]
Q: Is there a two week strict quarantine plan in place to observe and uncover any developing illness? Are temperatures taken daily, and is hand sanitizer used?
A: A strict quarantine plan is in place. Temperatures are taken daily and hand sanitizers are used. According to available data, 80% of the positive cases in India are mild in nature. Experts attribute this to high immunity. This is positive news in India yet we remain cautious!
Q: What is being done to teach all kids and staff about social distancing, washing hands and not touching faces?
A: We have conducted a sensitization session on coronavirus with our nurse Mawipi and also an online session with Dr. Biak, my son, who is currently practicing medicine at a state-run hospital in Delhi. Info-graphics are also on display at our buildings. We are very strict about anyone entering our campus. We have also sealed our campus and a notice posted on our main gate to avoid any unnecessary visitors.
Q: Are they bunking, studying, eating 6 feet apart?
A: Children are strictly following social distancing norms. They are also performing their school assignments regularly with materials provided by their teachers online. The staff members assist them with the help of their mobile phones and our computers.
Q: The staff is teaching the kids. Are there tutors in addition to the staff?
A: There are no tutors in addition to the staff members at the Angels’ Place. However, we are thinking of starting tuition next month to recoup the time lost due to lockdown. If we do, we will strictly follow the screening of temperatures and hand sanitizing.
We will continue to keep you updated as information becomes available, but feel free to reach out anytime with your question and concerns.
Thank you for your generous support in this difficult time.
The James Connection