Greetings to the James Connection community.
Life remains active for the children and staff of Angels’ Place, and we have several updates on activity at the orphanage regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the academic progress of the children, and improvements planned for the orphanage.
Angels’ Place now has 50 children in residence, and the process of return began with the older children. They have a full schedule each day consisting of classes, time for study and homework, work in the vegetable gardens, and meals. The Angels’ Place staff members continue to keep the orphanage a safe space during the pandemic. The campus is restricted to the children and staff, children and staff are wearing masks, and the children receive a visit from Dr. Mang every Saturday.
We are happy to report good news on academic progress. Seven children from Angels’ Place participated in the Board Examination that follows the end of Grade 12, and all seven of the Angels’ Place children passed the exam. Often orphans lack the opportunity to attend school because of the difficulty of their circumstances. That fact that these seven completed their schooling successfully reflects their hard work, and the achievement has only been possible thanks to your generosity.
Finally, two initiatives are underway for improving the facilities at Angels’ Place. A recent grant of $27,000 from Toyota will allow for the construction of a new water collection system and cistern. Also, the orphanage is expanding its computer resources in order to support the increased demand for distance learning. We will let you know more as things develop.
As always, we thank you for your support of the James Connection, and your generosity has made all of this work possible.